Saturday, November 20, 2010

Aikido with out boundaries

Mauryama founder of Aikido Yuishinkai.
Willaims International Chief Instructor, Australia (left)
Okajima, 8 dan.  Successor.( right)

In the evolution of Aikido, many personal impulses have by time been added in the wish  for impoundments.
At the end of  Ueshibas   life,  Mauryama, sensei  was one of his preferred Ushideshi.
When Ueshiba went true transition. Mauryama, sensei saw that the Aikido Tohei, sensei made  were closes in essences of what he had experienced with Ueshiba, and so he joined Shin shin toitsu Aikido.
He became here Chief Instructor of Ki no kenkyukai.
However he had some reservations of the political tendencies in the life of Aikido organisations, and so he resigned  for the purposes of meditation. After 8 years of meditation at a temple in Japan the master of that tempel, gave him permission to take up Aikido again.
The Aikidoka who knew him from his active period with O´sensei and Ki no kenkykai, urges him to make a new branch in the Aikido movement.
The last two years of his stay at the temple was  dedicated to create this new branch.
It seems to me that  instead to take a new step "forward",  he took a step "backward" - making a distend to all that had come to be - or should I say: he went back to the root masters of Ki and Aiki-jutsu.
In that sense I came to see that the Yuishinkai praxis is the closes concept  of Aikido I have seen in the 20 years I have been working with Ki and Aikido.
It is also very nice to see the respect and tolerance, which  are present in Aikido Yuishinkai. Tolerance in words is never enough, and it is  showed be that many senseis and aikidoka are inspired by the attirud of Mauryamas  work and service.

Daito ryu and Aiki

Thank you. 
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