As time goes by – our perception changes – our concepts too – When I was 15 Love was some thing different than now 50 years later.
So with Aikido - it is to me not some kind of self defense or body movements or health’s exercises - it is Budo – that is Material Art or the Art of Peace.
People are able to Practice when all is well – but forget it when all becomes bad – when they most are in need of the Practice and Self Discipline. That’s way they stop, because they never got started in the first place.
This Craft and Art - is tested in Daily Life – not in Street Fighting or Combat situations. This Craft and Art is made for transforming the Daily Battle of Life – What to do when you loose some one you love and your heart is broken - your job and must ask for money– your health and must go to hospital - your sanity and are in need of medicine , when you are deserted and must go to jail.
I do not all ways know what is best for my self – so how should I know what is good for you.
However Life is only real, then when I am.